The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church
The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church is a registered 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization
Indigenous cultures are spirit based. The culture and traditions cannot be
separated from the spiritual connection. Where there is one, there is always the other, in all that we do.
Ishkode (ish koh DAY) - Fire
Nishwaaswi (nish WAH swee) - Eight
Gikinoo'amaagoowin (gick in no' ah mah GO win) - Teaching; education; a lesson
Waawiyebii'igan (wah we ay be EE gan) - Circle
Miskwaadesi (misk wah DEH see) - Painted turtle
Babaamaadizi (buh BAH mah dizzy) - Travels in a group
Miijim (ME jim) - Food
Nibi (NIH bih) - Water
Asiniiwan (ass in EE wahn) - A stone
Inawemaagan (in aWAY mah gahn) - Relative
Niizh (NEE zh) - Two
Beezhig (bay ZHIG) - One
Giigoonh (gee goh) - Fish
Noozhishenh (no zhish SHENH) - My grandchild
Aakoziwin (AH koh zih WIN) - A sickness; illness; disease
Bimaadiziwin (bih MAH dizz ih win) - Life
Mashkiki (muhsh KIH kih) - Medicine
Biiminakwaan (be min AHK wahn) - Rope
Nibaa (nih BAH) - s/he sleeps; is asleep
Goshkozi (goh sh koh ZIH) - Awaken; wake up
Miikana (me kuhn UH) - Roads (plural)
Onaabam (oh NAH bahm) - Choose; select
Akina (UH kin uh) - All; every
Giinawind (gee NAH wind) - Us; we
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