The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church
The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church is a registered 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization
Indigenous cultures are spirit based. The culture and traditions cannot be
separated from the spiritual connection. Where there is one, there is always the other, in all that we do.
The KICC Education Program offers financial assistance for this workshop to those who qualify​
Natural Healing for Anxiety & Depression
The Anishinaabe way...
Find healing in just 12 weeks with this

Spring Registration Coming March 2025!
1 hr/week
Private online support group available between classes for discussion, questions, and conversation among students during the course
Pen & Notebook will be needed
Multiple days & times available to choose from
Limited class size to allow individual help as needed
Dawn Moneyhan will personally lead you on this healing journey. You will dive deeper into each book exercise using videos, photos/graphics, homework assignments and group discussion.
Education becomes knowledge by way of experience.
Registration now closed
Watch for Spring registration to open in March 2025!
Access to Zoom, Email, and Google Docs
Must have a copy of "10 Secret Steps to the Native American Connection to the Natural World"
Order book here
Dawn's promise to you:
All who complete this course will never see the natural world in the same way again!
Student Testimonials
"I am deeply connected with nature, but still found even deeper connection with the practices from the book. The weekly sessions with the course helped me commit to doing the activities because I knew I would be asked to share about them with the group. I enjoyed hearing different people’s perspectives and one thing that surprised me the most was how much we learned about relationships with humans. It makes sense now because humans are part of nature and if we really want to inspire change and make a positive difference for our plant and animal relatives, we have to know how to connect with humans too!
I now feel I am part of a much bigger family deepening relationships with all my ‘relatives’."
- Jessica
Spring 2024 Course
"I have a deeper appreciation for my membership within the ecosystem of this planet. My relationship with all the universe has deepened and I experience great joy when connecting to all my relatives.
The 10 exercises and accompanying videos are perspective changing. Some of the new practices will be incorporated into my daily centering activities. I have a new awareness of belonging as a fellow traveler through time and belonging to a very grand design.
The course was valuable, the activities well chosen and the video selection was excellent."
- Carole
Spring 2024 Course
"I've always been a lover of nature but this course and Dawn's guidance have helped me open my eyes to the spirit in all living things. I've sharpened all my senses to the natural world around me. The course has pushed me to expand my knowledge and change my perspective. I will always be grateful to Dawn and all she has taught me. I hope that others will take the opportunity to learn from her as well."
- Beth
Spring 2024 Course
Endorsed by
Healthcare Professionals
I am a biofeedback therapist with 35 years’ experience working with patients living with chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia, teaching them to manage their symptoms with minimal reliance on long-term medications. I have just completed Dawn Moneyhan’s 12-week workshop and have found it to be immediately beneficial with knowledge to incorporate into therapy sessions easily the following day after each class. My patients have been very receptive to try the exercises and understand why these lessons are healing to both mind and body, mental and physical health. Not only has this been immediately accessible to helping my patients, but I personally have been able to practice the exercises assigned with great benefit and something that I plan to continue using long-term. It has been an eye-opener regarding our natural connection to nature and the symbiotic relationship of nurturing each other with mutual benefit (people to plants and animals). I would highly recommend this experiential 12 step workshop for other health care providers that want to enhance their own practices as well as to individuals looking to improve their own overall physical and mental health with less reliance on long-term medications.
- Susan Baumann, OTR, BCB
December 2024
Dawn’s course has created time and space to focus on my connection to nature. In our modern society we are constantly bombarded by consumerism and digital media leading to ever increasing anxiety, depression and lack of connection in our communities. Dawn’s course teaches how to lay these things aside and appreciate the sound of your friend owl, or watch the leaves as the wind blows them around. She teaches you how to take time to sit in awe and wonder as the sun rises and sets each day. These are skills that have been shown to improve anxiety, depression, pain and improve a sense of community. As a physician, I see patients struggling daily with their mental health, insomnia, and a lack of place in our world. Taking this course can provide a roadmap for healing these ailments. It can teach someone to listen, watch, wonder and learn to heal themselves and then to heal others.
-Megan Bartz, MD
Today's modern consumerist world can make many of us feel disconnected from each other, anxious, depressed, angry, and even traumatized. If you are seeking relief, one alternative path might be learning about indigenous culture. Dr. Bruce Perry in his book What Happened to You notes "if you look at indigenous and traditional healing practices, they do a remarkable job of creating a total mind-body experience. These traditional practices have cognitive, relational-based and sensory elements." Dawn Moneyhan can be your guide to reconnecting to nature and people to heal yourself. Dawn uses sensory experiences to grow your connection to our natural relatives. I recommend her course.
- Anne, pediatric occupational therapist
December 2024