The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church
The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church is a registered 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization
Indigenous cultures are spirit based. The culture and traditions cannot be
separated from the spiritual connection. Where there is one, there is always the other, in all that we do.
Funeral Services & Grief Counseling
The KICC Team offers our deepest condolences for your loss.
During your time of grief we are here to help.

It is never easy when the transition to join our ancestors in the North takes place. The KICC offers a unique experience for those who are terminal and for those left behind by loved ones who have walked on to their next place.
With the spiritual guidance of our Anishinaabe ancestors, we celebrate the time lived in this place, on Mother Earth, and we learn to reconnect our energy with that of the natural world so our "lost loved ones" aren't ever really lost. We acknowledge the continued presence of their energy within the universe and work with our natural relatives to communicate, ease our grief and suffering, and to celebrate those loved ones who continue to influence our lives even from a spiritual energy plane.

There is no time limit involved. Whether your loved one passed recently or many years ago... or you seek to reconnect to the energy of long lost ancestors from before your time - we are here to help!
Many families come from mixed religious beliefs that can cause tension and add to the already overwhelming stress of a funeral service while grieving. The KICC offers you an easy and affordable option that doesn't challenge anyone's religious beliefs, but rather brings people together to celebrate an environmental science based spiritual energy connection, founded in ancient Native American culture.
Unique and celebratory funeral program designed special for each family - serving Dodge County, Wisconsin and limited surrounding areas for in-person services.
This package includes a free memorial tribute video hosted on The KICC Youtube channel, for up to 1 year, so friends and family can return as often as they need and we feature that tribute here on The KICC website.
We honor our loved ones - and yours!
Remote memorial tribute services hosted on Zoom so loved ones can gather together no matter where they are. ​
Chief Clergy & Author, Dawn Moneyhan offers a copy of her book, "10 Secret Steps to the Native American Connection to the Natural World" free to the grieving family.
This program package includes a 12 week workshop teaching how to renew our human connection to nature and to maintain that energy connection to our loved ones with the help of our natural relatives.
(We can accommodate groups of up to 20 people per scheduled workshop package)
As a part of this package, immediate family members are offered a free pendant or key-chain to help with their natural connection.
Limit up to 10 individuals

Karol Ann Chabot
August 16, 1941 - August 17, 2024
Email Dawn Moneyhan, S.C. at thekicc3@gmail.com for pricing and further details.
We treat each service as unique and personal so we don't have a standard price list like you will find from other places. Your loved ones aren't generic so we refuse to treat them, or you, that way.
We don't just show up and wish you well after a short ceremony, leaving you to figure out how to pick up your pieces alone - we offer the ongoing support to help you through the grieving process. We provide resources that can be used by all ages for any circumstance. Learn how to tap into the ancestral secrets of energy connection with our natural relatives to keep your loved ones close while still moving your own life forward.

The KICC understands that the sudden passing of a loved one isn't in today's average budget. We believe everyone, no matter their financial status, deserves a proper send off on their journey to their ancestors, and every family deserves the respect and help to process their grief. For this reason The KICC works with a sliding fee scale to accommodate EVERYONE who needs and desires our assistance in their greatest time of need.
Our loved ones are not gone... they have simply transformed!

Let us help! Reach out to The KICC today!