The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church
The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church is a registered 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization
Indigenous cultures are spirit based. The culture and traditions cannot be
separated from the spiritual connection. Where there is one, there is always the other, in all that we do.

These activities & games are based on the story of The Gifts of The Seven Grandfathers which can be found

Osh-ka-bay-wis (osh SHKAH bay wis) - Name of helper to the 7 grandfathers
Miskwaa (miss KWAH) - Red
Zhaawani (zhah wah NIH) - South
Makade (muck uh DAY) - Black
Ningaabii’an (nin GAH be on) - West
Waabishkaa (wah bish KIH) - White
Giiwedin (gee WAY din) - North
Ozaawaa (oh ZOW ih) - Yellow
Waabani (wah ban NIH) - East
Nigig (nih GIG) - Otter
Miigis (ME giss) - Mide shell; pearl
Gikendaasowin (gick en DAH so win) - Knowledge
Nibwaakaawin (nib wah KAH win) - Wisdom
Zaagi’idiwin (zah GEE dih win) - Love
Manaaji’idiwin (mahn ah JEE id dih win) - Respect
Zoongie’ewin (zoo gid EH eh win) - Bravery
Gwayakwaadiziwin (gway AHK wah diz ih win) - Honesty
Dabasendizowin (dah bah SEN diz oh win) - Humility
Debwewin (deb WAY win) - Truth
Aki (ah KEY) - the land
Gikinoo’amaw (gick ih new AH mahw) - teach
Ingodwaaswi (in go DWAHS wih) - Six
Abinoojiinh (ab ih NEW jeeh) - Child
Niizhwaaswi (nizh WAH sway) - Seven
Minwaande (min wahn DAY) - it is a good color
Maada’ookiiwin (mah dah OK key win) - Gift