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In 2024 it remains impossible for our Native American peoples to practice our religions/cultures outside of reservation lands.


As the climate crisis worsens and the world is beginning to understand that our indigenous cultures hold secrets for repairing our beautiful Mother Earth, we Native American peoples & tribes are being called to duty - asked (and sometimes demanded) that we teach our cultures to everyone else - often expected to do this for free, as a responsibility to our planet and society.


The end result is that we are being called to teach and share what little we have left while being denied the right to practice or live these ways ourselves.

Let that sink in.


The KICC has many goals and many missions that all go hand in hand.  One of these primary goals is to achieve the ability to practice our religions freely, as the rest of the USA is allowed to do, as the laws claim we're allowed to do.


We cannot return to our lives of stewardship, heal our boarding school traumas and save ourselves from all that has been done for generations to assimilate and extinct our people and cultures, if we have nowhere we're legally allowed to do that.

Help us on our quest for religious freedom and the space to be allowed to exist.
Donate now!


The KICC is not what you think of as the average church.  At The KICC we follow our traditional tribal teachings, culture, and spirituality as our ancestors once did.

What makes us so different is that we welcome all who come with respect and sincerity, indigenous and non indigenous alike. 

Everyone is welcome!

The KICC Foster Care Extension Program-banner1b.jpg

The Indian Removal Act of 1831 Continues Today

When the boarding schools failed to extinct our Native American population through assimilation the "adopt an indian" program was enacted by the federal government in partnership with the churches.  Native American children were taken from their families under the pretense of abuse and/or neglect due to the forced poverty upon the tribes.  These children were sent to non indigenous families and all bonds and ties to their biological families and tribes were severed. 

This practice continues today.  There are thousands of Native American children forced into the foster care system every year and never adopted.  Upon turning 18 these children are no longer financially supported by the government and most are put out to fend for themselves, without resources, families, or tribes to help - and nowhere to go.  When these children sell and use drugs, join gangs, steal cars and shoot up our cities, society blames the children who are just trying to survive the only ways they can find.

The KICC is creating a space for these children. 

Click here for details!

The KICC offers online and local education programs about our Native American history, culture, traditions, spirituality, planetary stewardship practices, and beyond.

Dawn Moneyhan is an effective public speaker with 30+ years of experience and a passion for connecting with her audience, eliciting emotion, and effecting change through calls to action and education.

New Book Release coming Summer 2024!
Get FREE online access to the book when you sign up for the 12 week course

Click Here for details!


Hosted by The University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Dr. Foust, and The Intertribal Student Council


Chi Miigwetch/Many Thanks for making this important conversation possible!


The KICC is making noise in the news!!

The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church functions, believes, and teaches this culture of spirituality to all who wish to learn with us. Our functions do not mimic a typical Christian based church or faith. Our services are our teaching and they are based on our environment and spiritual connection to it. Our teachings come from our ancestors and have been passed down through the generations among our own peoples (tribes) through oral history, hands on education, and ceremonial knowledge. The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church is the first of its kind as we resurrect our once illegal spiritual cultures and invite the general public to now learn and practice our spiritual cultures and traditions with us, opening our doors to the secrets of indigenous spirituality for the world to experience.

After hosting a complete misrepresentation of our Native American people's experiences surrounding the boarding schools,

The Manitowoc Public Library is attempting to label our

Native American Peoples as

About OUR OWN experiences, family stories, and history

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