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The History of Frybread


These activities & games are based on the video found above, "The History of Frybread"


Zhiiwitaagan (Zhee wih TAH gahn) - salt

Ombisijigaans (ohm bih SIJH ih gahns) - baking powder

Bimide (bim ih DAY) - lard, grease, oil

Zaasagokwaan (zah sah go KWAHN) - frybread

Ashandiwin (ah shahn DEE win) - commodity food

Ishkonigan (ish KOHN ih gun) - reservation

Gida'an (gih DAHN) - remove it, take it off or out (using something)

Gawanaandam (gah wah NAHN dum) - s/he starves

Biboon (bih BOHN) - winter

Gabeshiwin (gah BEH shih win) - camp;campsite

Wiisini (we SIN ih) - s/he eats

Wiiyaas (we AH ss) - meat

Gitigaanens (git ih GAHN ens) - vegetable

Gaapii (GAH pee) - coffee

Nase'igan (nah SAY ih gan) - granulated sugar

Zhaabwii (zha BWEE) - survive

Ashkaawangi-bakwezhigan (ah sh COW ahng GIB ah kway zhig an) - flour

Agwajiing (ahg wah JEEng) - outdoors

Nookomis (no koh MISS) - my grandmother

Onadinigan (oh nah DIN ih gan) - dough

Nimishoomis (nih mish OH miss) - my grandfather

Gimishoomis (gih mish OH miss) - your grandfather

Gookomis (go koh MISS) - your grandmother

Badaka'igan (bah dah kah EYE gan) - fork

Daangam (dahn GUM) - taste a sample of

Mewinzha (may win ZHA) - long ago; Long time ago

Gaagiigido (gah GEE gih doe) - s/he talks, speaks

Zhimaaganish (zhih MAH gahn ish) - a soldier

Abwaajigan (ahb WAH jig un) - bread cooked over a fire

Nagamon (nah GUM un) a song

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Click here for answer key.

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