The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church
The Kwewag Indigenous Culture Church is a registered 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization
Indigenous cultures are spirit based. The culture and traditions cannot be
separated from the spiritual connection. Where there is one, there is always the other, in all that we do.
The History of Frybread
These activities & games are based on the video found above, "The History of Frybread"
Zhiiwitaagan (Zhee wih TAH gahn) - salt
Ombisijigaans (ohm bih SIJH ih gahns) - baking powder
Bimide (bim ih DAY) - lard, grease, oil
Zaasagokwaan (zah sah go KWAHN) - frybread
Ashandiwin (ah shahn DEE win) - commodity food
Ishkonigan (ish KOHN ih gun) - reservation
Gida'an (gih DAHN) - remove it, take it off or out (using something)
Gawanaandam (gah wah NAHN dum) - s/he starves
Biboon (bih BOHN) - winter
Gabeshiwin (gah BEH shih win) - camp;campsite
Wiisini (we SIN ih) - s/he eats
Wiiyaas (we AH ss) - meat
Gitigaanens (git ih GAHN ens) - vegetable
Gaapii (GAH pee) - coffee
Nase'igan (nah SAY ih gan) - granulated sugar
Zhaabwii (zha BWEE) - survive
Ashkaawangi-bakwezhigan (ah sh COW ahng GIB ah kway zhig an) - flour
Agwajiing (ahg wah JEEng) - outdoors
Nookomis (no koh MISS) - my grandmother
Onadinigan (oh nah DIN ih gan) - dough
Nimishoomis (nih mish OH miss) - my grandfather
Gimishoomis (gih mish OH miss) - your grandfather
Gookomis (go koh MISS) - your grandmother
Badaka'igan (bah dah kah EYE gan) - fork
Daangam (dahn GUM) - taste a sample of
Mewinzha (may win ZHA) - long ago; Long time ago
Gaagiigido (gah GEE gih doe) - s/he talks, speaks
Zhimaaganish (zhih MAH gahn ish) - a soldier
Abwaajigan (ahb WAH jig un) - bread cooked over a fire
Nagamon (nah GUM un) a song
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